Monster Strike is collaborating with the anime that needs no introduction, Chainsaw Man!
The collaboration event begins on November 1 and brings with it several new characters, including of course Denji, Power, Aki, Kobeni, Himeno, Makima, Akane, and several more demons that will show up in the anime to the game!
The game is also introducing special Public Safety Divison 4 missions, giving you the free “Dogs and their owners, Denji and Makima” character!
The Chainsaw Man collaboration event begins on November 1 to November 18, 11:50 [JST]
▍Monster Strike x Chainsaw Man New Characters
The Public Safety Special Division 4 is coming to Monster strike! Pick up the limited-availability characters, Denji, Aki Hayakawa, Power, Kobeni Higashiyama, and Himeno when the collab begins! Check out the character’s art and elemental types below!

■ 6★ Denji (Light)

■ 6★Power (Fire)

■ 6★ Aki Hayakawa (Water)

■ 4★ Kobeni Higashiyama (Wood)

■ 4★ Himeno (Dark)

▍Monster Strike x Chainsaw Man New Bosses
New bosses and dungeons are coming to Monster Strike too! During the event you can face off against the many enemies showing up in the Chainsaw Man Anime, including the wielder of the Snake Devil, Akane, the Zombie Devil, the Eternity Devil, The Bat Devil and the Leech Devil!
Defeating these dangerous enemies lets you add these characters to your repertoire, all with different elements and abilities!
■ 6★ Snake Devil Contractor Akane (Fire)

■ 5★ The Zombie Devil (Water)

■ 6★ The Eternity Devil (Wood)

■ 6★ The Leech Devil (Light)

■ 5★ The Bat Devil (Dark)

▍Monster Strike x Chainsaw Man Makima Pack
For a limited time during the collaboration you can get a special 1-purchase pack featuring the 6★ character, everyone’s favorite waifu of this season and the leader of the Tokyo Safety Special Division 4 , Makima!

▍Monster Strike x Chainsaw Man New Missions
New Public Safety Division missions are also coming to the game! You can access them from a button on the main menu on the top left of the screen, to get access to these unique types of quests and conditions to get loads of rewards!
For completing them, you can pick up the special 6★ Dogs and their Owners: Denji and Makima! (Dark).

Completing these missions will also give you a bunch of medals, such as these cute Chainsaw Man badges featuring the friendly trio, and even a medal of Pochita!