Type-Moon’s mobile card RPG Fate/Grand Order (JP) has crossovered with the Fate’s series upcoming spin-off anime Fate/Apocrypha and upcoming spin-off play Fate/Grand Order THE STAGE to launch a commemorative event. Up until 12th July, players can get two event exclusive craft essences upon finishing the quests.
SR Fate/Apocrypha
ATK 100(Max:100) HP 100 (Max:100)
Skill: Mystic Code experience +50 upon finishing the quest
ATK 100 (Max: 100) HP 100 (Max:100)
Skill: Master experience +50 upon finishing the quest
At 18:00 today (GMT +9), a new order, Epic of Remnant, will also be available along with three unnamed new servants.
▲ SSR Caster
▲ SR Assassin
▲ SR Berserker