Paradox Live Unveils Smartphone Game, Stage Play, and Anime Staff


The Paradox Live multi-media project announced on its Paradox Live 3rd Anniversary Fes, more details on its upcoming anime along with a super early visual, a new stage play, and that the series is getting a smartphone game!

The anime’s staff includes director Naoya Ando, script supervisor Takayo Ikami, and character designer Koji Haneda, with animation being produced at PINE JAM. The stage play is set to debut on March 9 in 2023, with the anime debuting in the same year,

Unfortunately, there have yet to be any details on the smartphone game, only that it is coming as the franchise enters its 4th year.

paradox live

Paradox Live Stage Play, Anime, and Mobile Game Teaser

About Paradox Live on Stage vol.2

The Paradox Live on Stage vol.2 stageplay is set to premiere on March 9 to March 19, 2023 at the Shinagawa Stellar Ball in Tokyo. The cast member have already been revealed, though on the website it says these are subject to change.

Here are the members based on the hip-hop teams featured in the series, from top-left to bottom right:

■ Allen Sugasano: Hiroki Sana
■ Yeon Hajun: Koji Konan
■ Anne Faulkner: Riona Tachimichi
[The Cat’s Whiskers]
■ Naoaki Nishimon: Ryota Takeuchi
■ Yohei Kanbayashi: Yuya Asato
■ Ryu Natsume: Kaito Hori
■ Shiki Ando
■ Kanata Yatonokami: Naotake Tsuchiya
■ Nayuta Nayuta Yatonokami: Raki Osaki
■ Iori Suiseki: Naoki Takeko
■ Zen Gaho: Masahiro Kawakami
■ Hokusai Masaki: Seiya Inagaki
■ Satsuki Ito: Tatsuyuki Kobayashi
■ Leo Reo Maruyama: Masaru Kamigoe

paradox live stage play cast

Paradox Live Anime Staff Members

Director: Naoya Ando
Script Supervisor : Takayo Ikami
Character Design: Koji Haneda
Anime Production: PINE JAM

About Paradox Live

Paradox Live is a multi-media music series, that tells the story of a fictional Japan now focusing heavily on hip-hop culture.

The story is told primarily through music CDs, and it is based on four hip-hop groups BAE, The Cat’s Whiskers, cozmez, and Akan Yatsura. These four groups compete in a mysterious competition called the Paradox Live, with the promise of JPY$10,000,000,000 and a chance to duel the legendary rap duo, Buraiken. The series has gone on to also be shown at live concerts and many albums have reached top chart positions within the top 25 in Japan.

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