Final Fantasy XVI Coming Exclusively to PlayStation 5 on June 22, 2023!


During The Game Awards 2022, developer and publisher Square Enix unveiled a brand-new trailer for the Final Fantasy XVI game. The trailer reveals that the game will be coming exclusively to PlayStation 5 on June 22, 2023. Furthermore, pre-orders are also available today.

Final Fantasy XVI Worldview

Taking place in the year 860, the last of Valsithea is slowly dying after its over-reliance on the mother crystals that are slowly fading away. Disease and rot slowly eat away at the land, as countries find themselves growing desperate in a bid for resources, and darkness creeps into the land.

Final Fantasy XVI Coming Exclusively to PlayStation 5 on June 22, 2023!

The six factions of Valsithea, the Grand Duchy of Rosaria, the Holy Empire of Sanbreque, the Kingdom of Waloed, the Dhalmekian Republic, the Iron Kingdom, and the Crystalline Dominion are all waiting to seize an opportunity to wage war on each other but refuse to do so, until one day the imperial army of Sanbreque marches onto Rosaria, killing the Archduke and igniting a war between the lands.

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Final Fantasy XVI Editions

Collector’s Edition
Price: JPY$38,500
Contents: Physical copy of the game, a high-quality figure Phoenix VS Ifrit, a Summoner Relief Pins Collection, a special art steel bookcase, and a cloth depicting the world map of Final Fantasy XVI. The Blood Sword weapon will be included as a digital item.

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Deluxe Edition
Price: JPY$12,100
Contents: Physical copy of the game, a special art steel book case, and a cloth depicting the world map of Final Fantasy XVI.

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Regular Edition (Physical)
Price: JPY$9,900
Contents: Physical copy of the game.

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Digital Deluxe Edition
Price: JPY$9,900
Contents: Digital copy of the game, digital mini soundtrack, digital mini art book.

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Final Fantasy XVI Gameplay

Final Fantasy XVI is a fast-paced action RPG title building off the action gameplay from Final Fantasy XV, but taking more inspiration from other titles.

The game features an emphasis on combo-style gameplay and fast reflexes and dodges, with a transformation mechanic allowing the player to embody the various summons in the game with unique powers and moves unlocked to them. Players can change between up to three spirits on the fly, each embodying a particular element such as fire, wind, ice, and more.

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Each summons has a unique move that can be used to dodge, attack, or impair enemies. It seems that instead of an MP meter, spells cost a certain charge to cast and the amount is tallied individually for each summon. A score counter is also visible in the game, emphasizing good performance and rating your skills during combat, possibly suggesting a way to replay old stages to get a better rating!

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