Revived Witch is Shutting Down on May 7


The website and Twitter account for Revived Witch announced that the game will be officially shutting down on May 7, 2023. The game launched on November 10 2021, and will have been live for 1 year and 6 months when it shuts down.

As part of the game’s shutdown, the game has suspended its Top Up system and account creation system on March 6 [UTC-7], and any remaining diamonds you have can still be used. The game’s download portal has also been disabled, meaning you won’t be able to download the game or make a new account again as of earlier today. The server will be shut down on exactly May 7, 00:00 [UTC-7]. The developers thanked players for participating in the game, and stated updates will still be coming to the game.

You can also get refunds for unconsumed purchased diamonds if you bought them before February 6, after that they will not be eligible for a refund.

About Revived Witch

Revived Witch is a pixel-art RPG where you take control of multiple witches, attacking enemies in real time and activating their skills. Each witch has a unique attack that can be executed with energy that slowly recovers, and spells also grant points of Chronospace energy that can be used to execute more powerful attacks or buffs.

Time your moves carefully as you explore this wonderous world of magic and treasures and build your team of powerful witches and spellcasters.

Revived Witch has a rating of 4.5 on the QooApp Game Store.

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