Marfusha High-Tempo Shooter Launches for Consoles on April 6


Playism announced that the High-Tempo 2.5D Pixel shooter, Marfusha is arriving on the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Switch on April 6.

The game was initially scheduled for release on consoles last winter but has been delayed slightly to its current release date. The console versions of the game will also be getting a brand new animated opening set to its own theme song, titled “I’ll be there” by singer and songwriter KOKIA, with animation created by developer hinyari9, CHisey, and TOHRU MiTSUHASHi, who is actually responsible Needy Streamer Overload‘s music videos.

Marfusha is also available now on PC via Steam.

Marfusha Console Release Date Trailer

About Marfusha

The game follows a squad of young girls who are tasked with defending the border gate from endless streams of enemies. Despite their diligence, their devotion is barely rewarded with heavily-taxed salaries in this dystopian society.

Struggle to survive and collect whatever you can to purchase as many cards as you to power up against increasingly tougher enemies, and survive as long as you can. The game features several characters each with unique weaponry and stories, while you get to catch a glimpse of this cold world where basic necessities are looked upon as luxuries.

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