Volcano Princess Daughter-Raising Simulator Launches for PC on April 21


Gamera Games and Egg Hatcher announced that its choose-your-own-adventure style RPG Volcano Princess is making its way to PC via Steam on April 21.

Volcano Princess will feature Chinese and Japanese audio options, with English text available for dialogue and UI. The game also currently has a playable demo available on the Steam store page.

After the death of their spouse, players will need to raise their daughter and teach them right from wrong. While you and your daughter live peacefully in a village side, the lands outside are rife with monsters. How will you raise your daughter, and how will your actions influence her as she grows up?

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Volcano Princess Final Trailer

About Volcano Princess

Volcano Princess is primarily a time-management simulation RPG. Every action and choice takes up time and valuable resources. Players can raise their daughter in various ways, having her study, play, or head out into the wilds to explore together.

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As her parent, players will have to watch for her mood, available resources, and food as they make the most out of her early stages of life. The game features various activities and tasks ranging from simple math games to full-blown turn-based combat when exploring.

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When the daughter is old enough, she can pledge allegiance to one of the three lords who govern the land. By doing so and successfully impressing them with her talents the player’s daughter can participate in an event named the Grand Volcano Festival, where they may show their skills. Which lord they come to serve will ultimately influence what kind of occupation she may take, drastically changing up her future.

Volcano Princess
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Every action you take can influence her future, so make the best choices you can as a parent to make sure your daughter grows up healthy, strong, or something more. It’s up to the player to see her bloom into adulthood. The game boasts over 50 different endings, so multiple playthroughs are recommended as well.

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