White Night Dream is a Cat-Chasing Roguelite Coming to Steam on May 30


Indie developer Renka has opened the Steam store page for their cat-chasing rouglite game White Night Dream, which is scheduled to release on May 30, 2023. The game will support English, Chinese (Traditional and Simplified), Korean, and Japanese text upon launch.

White Night Dream is a new title by Renka, a developer that has been well received for its low-priced but highly original titles such as Sunset Routes and Flashback. In this title, a girl explores the city at night in pursuit of an escaped cat. It plays like a card game, in which players can advance by clicking the cards in the appropriate order.

White Night Dream screenshot.

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White Night Dream Gameplay

The game features a mechanic of flipping cards to simulate the exploration of the streets at night. Each location on the street has a different number of cards, and players must click on them in a certain order to pass through.

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Different cards have different effects including attacking (mental damage), healing, damage-immunity, and so on. Of course, you can also use skills to shuffle the cards. In addition to shuffling, you will also gain more skills during the game, which can form diverse and powerful combinations to help you overcome various challenges.

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Skills come from different characters and you will encounter them in various locations during the game. Meeting those characters will drive the story forward until the end of the night. You can also challenge yourself with Infinite Mode, where the night never truly ends…

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