June 21 is Marius von Hagen’s birthday! And to celebrate, Tears of Themis is holding a series of events under the “Dreams Rewoven” set to celebrate from June 14, 2023! In the new event trailer, players are able to get a glimpse of Marius’ secret feelings.
Complete the event’s series of Travel Wishes with Marius to receive a variety of birthday-limited freebies! In addition, the Menagerie of Lights Birthday Event, which was first held last year, will rerun for a limited time.
▍Tears of Themis Marius’ B-day Event Trailer
▍ Tears of Themis Marius’ Birthday Preparations
Leading up to the date of Marius’s birthday, the Birthday Preparations event is now available. Clear missions to get rewards such as S-Chips!

▍ Tears of Themis “Dreams Rewoven” Event
During the event, players can complete the tasks to obtain various rewards, such as the Marius R Card [Thought], Tears of Themis, and other great rewards.
Completing all of the Travel Wishes will also earn you the Dreams Rewoven outfit for Marius von Hagen, a special background titled Marius’ Bedroom, and of course, the event-limited Badge, to prove that you celebrated Marius’s 2nd birthday since the game’s release.
That’s not all, however! If you login on June 14, 2023, there might be a special voice call from Marius von Hagen awaiting you…

▍Dreams Rewoven Shadow of Themis
In the Dreams Rewoven Shadow of Themis, players can get the limited-time exclusive Birthday SSR [Eternal Flame]! This card contains an exclusive story of the protagonist with Marius that is sure to make you swoon.
■ SSR [Eternal Flame] Marius von Hagen – CV: Kaito Ishikawa

▍Menagerie of Lights Shadow of Themis Rerun
If by any chance you missed last year’s birthday card, no need to worry! During the event, the [Crown of Glory] SSR will have a rerun Shadow of Themis with an increased draw rate!
■ SSR [Crown of Glory] Marius von Hagen – CV: Kaito Ishikawa

▍Tears of Themis New Mall Items
From June 12 to June 24, in-app game purchases will give you special points. Attaining a certain amount of these points will get you the Dreams Rewoven Studio furniture set, Tears of Themis, Oracle of Justice IV, Stellin, and various other rewards.

In addition, the Picturesque invitation, which was previously available at Marius’s birthday event last year, can be purchased for US$14,99! A special exchange for the R card that was previously available in the last birthday event is also open at the in-game Mall.