Roguelike Action Game Million Depth Coming to PC and Switch in 2024


Cyber Space Biotope has opened the Steam store page for the upcoming roguelike action game Million Depth, developed by creator Pop, who previously won the Fairy Tail original game contest in Japan. Scheduled for release sometime in 2024 for PC and Nintendo Switch, the game will be available in both Japanese and English.

Million Depth plunges players into a fallen Earth, delving into a massive subterranean environment teeming with evolved creatures and androids. The central aim is to explore a million underground floors, crafting unique weapons and employing the Biotope Jammer to freeze time. The player’s goal is to unravel the secrets of what happened to the Earth and humanity, all the while battling fierce enemies in strategy-driven combat gameplay.

Million Depth Trailer

Million Depth Gameplay

Million Depth follows Moma’s quest into the depths of Earth’s million underground layers. With evolved creatures and androids attacking from the darkness, Moma fights back with crafted weaponry forged from intricate parts, each designed for specific needs such as attack power, defense, or mobility. The Biotope Jammer allows the world to halt when the player stops, demanding careful thought and adaptation.

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Enemies’ attack strengths are visually displayed, and striking them with crafted weapons can diminish their power. However, these weapons will degrade and become temporarily unusable if they withstand too many attacks, leading to strategic encounters where the player must manage both offense and defense.

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Million Depth features a multi-ending structure, with numerous surprising layers hidden underground. Players will encounter different levels and specific conditions that branch the story, influencing subsequent gameplay and changing the behavior of NPCs. As players piece together humanity’s past, a complex story unravels, woven across multiple parallel worlds.

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