Square Enix‘s coming Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition (ファイナルファンタジーXV ポケットエディション) has opened pre-registration for Android users. The mobile version is coming in 2017 Fall while the PC version is coming this Winter.
The new mobile game will retain the main characters and story of the original console version, Final Fantasy XV, but feature a different art style matched with casual touch controls optimized for mobile.
“The Tale of the Chosen King, Savior to the Star.
After years of fighting, the nations of Lucis and Niflheim at last agree to an armistice.
As a symbol of this promised peace, Noctis, crown prince of Lucis, is to wed the Lady Lunafreya of Tenebrae.
The prince sets forth for his wedding on the eve of the signing ceremony, sent off by his father, King Regis.
Unbeknownst to Noctis, however, the journey ahead is fraught with perils…”
The price list applies to both the mobile and PC release.
・Chapter 1: Free
・Chapter 2-3: 120 yen each
・Chapter 4-10: 480 yen each
・All chapter inclusive pack : 2,400 yen
• Square Enix Announces FFXV: Pocket Edition for Mobile and Windows!
• Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire for mobile is released today