Merry Christmas, Commander! The battleship ladies in Yostar’s mobile game Azur Lane (アズールレーン) will welcome Christmas with festive costumes after the maintenance on 15th December. Players will be able use items to exchange for Christmas outfits. Besides, R Destroyer Benson and SR Light Cruiser St. Louis will be made available for construction after the said maintenance.
Five girls’ new looks are already up for preview!
▍N Destroyer Cygnet
(Thank You Aizu Ren for providing the correct name!)
▍SSR Light Cruiser San Diego
▍Normal Destroyer Mutsuki
▍R Battleship Yamashiro
▍R Destroyer Gridley
• New destroyers Fubuki and Uzuki coming to mobile Azur Lane (JP) on 7/12
• Azur Lane: Best Starter Ships With Skills & Stats
• Azur Lane: How to Bind Account (JP ver.)