[Qoo News] Assassin’s Creed Rebellion Pre-Registration Begins


Last year, Ubisoft revealed a mobile project for the Assassin’s Creed series titled “Assassin’s Creed Rebellion”. The company described the game to be a strategy RPG set in 15th century’s Spain. Recently, the game has launched its pre-registration campaign and is announced for 21st November.

assassin's creed

In Assassn’s Creed Rebellion, players will be able to build their own Brotherhood of Assassins, manage their own fortress, and take up covert missions with iconic characters such as Ezio and Aguilar. The game features over 20 new exclusive characters for players to collect.



Asides from building your own brotherhood, players will be able to bring their assassin’s on missions, controlling how their assassins approach different situations.


Pre-Registration Trailer

Official Site

Assassin's Creed Rebellion Ubisoft Entertainment Rate: 3.9 Install