Today (6th March), Toei Animation revealed new information on the previously announced Digimon Adventures movie. The official website revealed the voice cast for the upcoming movie.
Toei Animation has revealed the working title of the project to be Digimon Adventures The Movie (劇場版デジモンアドベンチャー(仮題)). The movie will be set following the events of “Digimon tri.” when Taichi and Yamato are at the age of 22. The characters will be voiced by their respective voice actors from “Digimon tri.”.
It has also been revealed that Seki Hiromi (関 弘美), the producer of the first “Digimon Adventure” (1999) and the first movie “Digimon Adventure: Our War Game!” will be working on the new movie. The characters will be designed by Kaysuyoshi Nakatsuru (中鶴 勝祥) and the digimons will be designed by Kenji Watanabe (渡辺 けんじ)
▍Digimon x Hatsune Miku Collaboration Confirmed
In addition to the new anime project, the series has also confirmed a collaboration with Hatsune Miku. A key visual for the collaboration has also been revealed.