[Qoo News] Puchiguru Love Live! Announces Service Termination!


Today (28th March), Pokelabo and SUNRISE’s co-developed mobile game Puchiguru Love Live! announced that the game’s service will terminate later this year on 31st May 12:00 JST.

趴趴玩偶 Love Live!

Puchiguru Love Live! is a mobile puzzle game with a Love Live! theme. Members of μ’s and Aqours are transformed into adorable Tsum Tsum-like plushie idols. The game was released on 24th April 2018 and has a 4.7 rating on QooApp.

趴趴玩偶 Love Live!

趴趴玩偶 Love Live!

Official Announcement

Official Site

Official Twitter

8L4ejh6tXwUkG bI3GYCh4q8gaaRkVfp45WZ6I6T 1WK6ReMAjVrpHGXdbO OKXYR04=w300 Puchiguru LoveLive! Pokelabo, Inc. :
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