[Qoo News] Upcoming mobile otome game Sengoku Night Blood reveals 4 new cast


Mobile otome game Sengoku Night Blood(戦刻ナイトブラッド)on iOS and Android has revealed four new cast including Showtaro Morikubo, Ayumu Murase, Ryo Kitamura and Nobuhiko Okamoto. The game is developed by Idea Factory’s subsidiary, Otomate.

Showtaro Morikubo(森久保祥太郎)as Sanada Nobuyuki(真田信之)
Ryo Kitamura(北村諒)as Kirigakure Saizo(霧隠才蔵)
Ayumu Murase(村瀬歩)as Sarutobi Sasuke(猿飛佐助)
Nobuhiko Okamoto(岡本信彦)as Date Shigezane(伊達成実)


Sengoku Night Blood is a game from the otome project Senbura, which is jointly carried out by Idea Factory, KADOKAWA and Marvelous. The characters are designed by illustrators who have worked for other notable Otomate games. The background of the game is the Sengoku period, in which players are able to romance Sengoku warriors.

The game will be released in 2017.

Game website: Senbura