Taipei Game Show (TpGS) 2017 is coming in a few days. Before you set off to pay a visit, and before we, as the official partner media, take you along with us in this journey, you have to be well-prepared. If not, you may miss something very very important and fun once the show starts.
A good example is PlayStation. It will have a lot of interesting stuff to offer this year!
Nioh(仁王) is an PS4-exclusive RPG that will be released this year. This long-awaited big project will be introduced at TpGS by a mysterious guest. Producer Fumihiko Yasuda will entertain audience with a session of live gameplay. If you want more than what the demo shows you, don’t miss the live session!
PS4 and PS Vita game Danganronpa(ダンガンロンパ)is going to have its very own moment on the crossover stage with PlayStation. Kikuko Inoue(井上喜久子), who voices the Ultimate Maid, is going to be on stage and interact with fans. The series’ producer and screenwriter will also be there to share exclusive behind-the-scene stories.
Yoshimi Yasuda(安田善巳), the President and Director of Kadokawa Games, will take over the stage later with an upcoming PS4 and PS Vita exclusive game – God Wars: Beyond Time(GOD WARS ~時をこえて~). One of the renowned illustrators participated in the game, Sawaki Takeyasu(竹安佐和記), will attend the event and showcase his amazing drawing skills as well.
Upcoming PS4-exclusive Horizon Zero Dawn is taking its hype to TpGS. Art director Roy Postma will showcase gameplay live and give us a bit more details on the game.
Final Fantasy and PlayStation crossover stage will feature director Shinji Hashimoto(橋本真司)and Final Fantasy Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age producer Hiroaki Kato(加藤 弘彰). They are going to update fans with news about the franchise!
Nihon Falcom will take over the stage and introduce a few games, including Tokyo Xanadu(東亰ザナドゥ)on PS4 and PS Vita, and Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana(イースVIII -ラクリモサ・オブ・ダーナ-)on PS4.
On PS4 exclusive NieR:Automata’s stage, voice actress Yui Ishikawa(石川由依)and producer Yosuke Saito(齊藤 陽介)will satisfy fans with live gameplay and genuine sharing.
At the end of the day, don’t forget to attend a class with the sweet Miyamoto Hikari in the Summer Lesson(サマーレッスン)stage event!
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