Toei Animation today (22th October) announces that the first part of the Bishōjo Senshi Sailor Moon Eternal (Pretty Guardians Sailor Moon Eternal The MOVIE) two-part anime film project will premiere in Japan on 11th September, 2020.
The film marks 25 years since the franchise last had a work that screened in theaters in Japan. The two-part film project will take the place of a fourth season for Sailor Moon Crystal and it will cover the “Dead Moon” arc of Naoko Takeuchi’s (武内 直子) original manga.
Takeuchi will also supervised the movie project, while Chiaki Kon (今 千秋) is returning from the anime’s third season to direct the two films. Kazuko Tadano (只野 和子), the character designer for the original Sailor Moon anime, is designing the characters. Miss Monochrome The Animation series composition Kazuyuki Fudeyasu (筆安 一幸) is penning the scripts.
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