A TV anime adaptation is confirmed for Naoki Yamakawa (山川直輝) and Akinari Nao’s (奈央晃徳) fantasy manga “I’m Standing on a Million Lives” (100万の命の上に俺は立っている) and is scheduled to premiere in October 2020.
The original manga has sold over 1,300,000 copies and its sixth tankōbon volume will be published on 9th March 2020.
Ninth-grader Yusuke Yotsuya is practical, friendless, and not active in any clubs. One day, he and two female classmates are suddenly sent to an isekai where they must work together to battle for their lives. Yotsuya is a lone wolf and has always lived his life according to his wants, but how will that work out now that he’s supposed to be a hero?!
▍Staff and Production
Kumiko Habara (羽原 久美子) makes her debut to direct the anime at Maho Film. “High School DxD” series composition Takao Yoshioka (吉岡 たかを) is in charge of the series scripts. Eri Kojima (小島 恵理) joins with Toshihide Masudate (舛舘 俊秀) to design the characters.
▍Characters and Cast
■ Yūsuke Yotsuya (四谷 友助) – CV: Yūto Uemura (上村祐翔)
■ Iu Shindo (新堂 衣宇) – CV: Risa Kubota (久保田梨沙)
■ Kusue Hakozaki (箱崎紅末) – CV: Azumi Waki (和氣杏未)
■ Yuka Tokitate (時舘由香) – CV: Makoto Koichi (小市真琴)