To celebrate the six-year milestone of Cygames RPG hit “Granblue Fantasy”(グランブルーファンタジー), a live stream was aired yesterday (8th March) announcing tons of celebration events and future updates .
▍6th Birthday Special Presents
To celebrate the live stream viewers reaches 1 million, all players can obtain a bunch of rewards including Intricacy Ring, Feb 2020 Unite and Fight SSR Ticket, Damascus Ingot and 4000 Crystals.
▍Free Rolls Everyday!!!!
The Gachapin Roulette will be back to celebrate the 6th anniversary! Free rolls will be available everyday starting from 10th March, 0:00 [JPT] until 30th March. A maximum of 100 free rolls can be obtained everyday if you are lucky enough!
On the last day (30th March), 100 guaranteed rolls and PREMIUM GALA will be available!!!
▍6th Anniversary Scratchers
From 10th March, 0:00 [JPT] to 30th March 2020, a 6th Anniversary Scratcher will be available everyday and players will be able to obtain different rewards by matching three items on the ticket. You may also have the chance to get SSR summons and characters!
▍Rank/EXP X 6 times Campaign
From 10th March to 30th March 2020, players can obtain 6 times rank point and experience in the quests. 9 times rank point and experience is possible after using the shop skill boost.
▍6th Anniversary Special Gacha Set
6th Anniversary Special Gacha Set will be on sale, which includes 1 character exchange ticket and 10 gacha tickets! 2018 limited edition and 2019 seasonal characters and summons can be selected.
▍6th Anniversary Weapons Exchange Ticket
The 6th Anniversary Weapons Exchange Ticket can be used to select one special weapon with maximum levels, skill levels and 4 caps. The weapons that can be selected include Epic weapons, Tiamat Malice weapons and Proving Grounds weapons.
One Omega Weapon with maximum levels, skill levels and 5 caps can also be selected!
▍6th Anniversary Skin Set and Special Gacha
6th Anniversary Skin Set will be on sale on 10th March, 19:00 [JPT], featuring Aglovale and Clarisse.
A special Star Premium 6th anniversary gacha set will also be available on 10th March, which guarantees a 2018 or 2019 seasonal SSR character weapon or SSR summon.
The 2nd anniversary gacha set that guarantees a limited character weapon will be available on 29th March.
▍New Characters Available in March Gacha
■ Swimsuit Teena
■ Mugen
▍New Bonus Poses Available on 20th March
■ Swimsuit Heles
■ Swimsuit Narmaya
■ Swimsuit Sara
▍New Raids
■ Lindwyrm HL
It will drop materials in exchange for the new Dragonic weapons.
■ Six Dragons HL (Fire, Wind, Water and Earth Dragon)
The new Dragonic weapons will have three skills. The 2nd skills can be selected from seven options and the 3rd skills can be selected from two options. Light and Dark Dragons is expected to be available at the end of April.
▍New Jobs
■ Lumberjack
Weapons: axe/harp
Fight with animal friends from the Forest and can gain support from different animals according to the circumstances.
■ Cavalier
Weapons: Spear/Gun
Skills is different according to the weapons
Gun: Counter Attacks
Spear: Draws enemy attacks to itself and protects teammates
6 new EX skills will be available for Berserker, Warlock, Bandit Tycoon, Nighthound, Elysian and Apsaras
▍System Updates
■ Rank cap raises from 250 to 275.
■ New option is available in Ultimate Bahamut (Raid) to consume one of each Halo for elixir plus
■ Vane Level Caps Increase
■ Kaguya and Grand Order summon Level Caps Increase
■ Angel Halo: Dimension Halo rate raised. Guaranteed Dimension Halo on the 10th fight if the previous 9 produced no D Halo.
■ Skill Jewel/Shard skill lv Up
■ Skill Up UI Improved (Auto skill up option available and you can see how many skill points a weapon is worth)
■ Party member UI Improved (You can change multiple members in the team)
■ New Wonder for Shrimp Spreader (Provide 1% EXP gain up from Friday to Sunday)
■ Level Caps Increase for Ecke Sachs and Cortana Series
▍Scenario Event “OOO” Comes Back
Scenario Event “000” will be back from 20th April to 28th April, which offers a great chance to raise the level caps of SSR Sandalphon.
▍New Weapon Skin and Beelzebub Raid
New skins are available for Eternals weapons on 30th April.
Beelzebub raid will be available in the second half of May, together with the story unveiling the identity of Beelzebub. The raid will drop Astral weapons.
▍New Event Type in Development
New event type “Babu īru” is under development, which allows players to build multiple parties to challenge the tower. You will also be able to switch members during battles.
A new type of event will be available for players to obtain Valor Badges. It will not be PVP battles and will need to work with your crew members to attain a certain goal.
New level of uncap will be available for the Eternals.
▍8th Collaboration Event Announced
“Granblue Fantasy” X “THE iDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS” collaboration is confirmed for May 2020! New SSR characters may be featured?
▍Zooey Joining “Granblue Fantasy Versus”
Zooey is also confirmed to join “Granblue Fantasy Versus” in April as the 1st DLC. A new PV is also revealed.
好評配信中の「ベルゼバブ」「ナルメア」に続き、「ソリッズ」「ジータ」は4月上旬、「ゾーイ」は4月下旬に配信予定!詳細はこちら ⇒ #GBVS #グラブルVS— グランブルーファンタジー ヴァーサス (@gbvs_official) March 8, 2020
New stage, Rosetta and Yggdrasil lobby avatars will also be available as DLC in April.
▍Granblue Fantasy 6th Anniversary Live Stream