Based on the popular mecha anime series “Neon Genesis Evangelion”, smartphone game “Evangelion Battlefields” (エヴァンゲリオン バトルフィールズ) officially launches today on 2nd April 2020. The game is expected to open its server at 3pm [JPT]. A new gameplay PV is also revealed.
▍Gameplay PV
▍Game System
EVBF is dubbed as a “cinematic 3D battle game”, which allows players to manipulate the Evangelion in PvP battles. The game not only features signature characters from the series but also the game’s original characters. EVBF’s original 3DCG scenario is also available.
You can also join the battles against the powerful Angel. Players will have to destroy the AT fields and unleash synchronized attacks in order to defeat it in a limited amount of time.
Players will be able to link the game to real-life EVA figures, and utilize them as “controllers”. There are currently 12 pilots available and each pilot has a special game voice. The pilot can ride on the “controllers” and players will be able to control the Evangelion according to the features of the pilot.
▍Pre-registration Rewards
The “Break through the A.T.Field !!” mini-game event reaches 80,000 times and players will be able to receive 810 gems, which is equivalent to 22 times character gacha.