The anime adaptation of Ikumi Hino’s “Megami-ryō no Ryōbo-kun” (女神寮の寮母くん) comedy manga reveals the main cast, staff, and confirms it is a television series. Asread is animating the series.
Misuzu Yamada plays the protagonist Kōshi Nagumo, while Ayaka Nanase plays the “Dormitory Mother” Atena Saotome.
“Sword Art Online: Alicization” episode director Shunsuke Nakashige is directing the anime. “Plunderer” writer Masashi Suzuki is in charge of the series scripts. Maiko Okada is designing the characters.
Nagumi Koushi is a 12-year-old boy who was abandoned by his father after their house caught on fire, leaving him to roam the streets penniless. Then one day, a girl named Minerva who finds him lying on the sidewalk, takes him to a women’s college dormitory, one known for housing troublesome residents, and asks him to be their “Dormitory Mother.” Surrounded by older women, forced to deal with their idiosyncrasies, Koushi starts his new (somewhat ecchi) life!
▍Staff and Production
Original Work: Ikumi Hino (日野行望) [Kadokawa Shoten’s Monthly Shōnen Ace]
Director: Shunsuke Nakashige (中重俊祐)
Series Composition: Masashi Suzuki (鈴木雅詞)
Character Design: Maiko Okada (岡田万衣子)
Animation: Asread
■ Kōshi Nagumo (南雲孝士) – CV: Misuzu Yamada (山田美鈴)
■ Atena Saotome (早乙女あてな) – CV: Ayaka Nanase (七瀬彩夏)
■ Mineru Wachi (和知みねる) – CV: Chiaki Takahashi ( たかはし智秋)
■ Kiriya Senshō (戦咲きりや) – CV: Risako Murai (村井理沙子)
■ Fley (フレイ) – CV: Asaki Fukuyama (福山あさき)
■ Serene Hozumi (八月朔日せれね) – CV: Yuki Yomichi (夜道雪)
■ Sutea Kōroya (香炉野すてあ) – CV: Hikaru Nanjō (南條ひかる)