The official website for Kyoto Animation’s "Free!" franchise has just announced the cast and staff for the two upcoming anime compilation films, Free! -Timeless Medley- Kizuna (劇場版 Free!-Timeless Medley- 約束) and Free! -Timeless Medley- Yakusoku (劇場版 Free!-Timeless Medley- 絆).
The "Timeless Medley" compilation films will bring back the original cast members of the first TV anime series and the prequel anime film High Speed! -Free! Starting Days-. Additionally, in the upcoming films, Asahi Shiina and Ikuya Kirishima from the High Speed! films will appear as third-year students in their respective schools.
Episode director on both TV animes and unit director of High Speed!, Eisaku Kawanami will be directing the new films Masahiro Yokotani, scriptwriter for both TV animes and High Speed! is credited with composition. Futoshi Nishiya from the previous Free! projects will reprise his role as character designer.
See more on the official website here!