Today, during a livestream from Tokyo Game Show, Koei Tecmo announced that the upcoming Nobunaga’s Ambition: Rebirth will be delayed from its previously planned 2021 release to early 2022 in Japan.
The delay was announced with a new trailer showcasing gameplay and the usual massive amount of daimyo. The official site also updated with several screenshots.
In Nobunaga’s Ambition: Rebirth, warlords will support the player as “servants” and act on their own judgment. They will make proposals to develop their forces, expand their territory, and respond to the invasion of hostile forces.
Join the warlords to achieve your goal to unify the entire country! The game features over 2,200 warlords. Understand their abilities and individuality to draw out their maximum potential.
On the battlefield you will have to judge the situation and march forth, as well as make proposals to break the deadlock. Manage your forces and expand your territory—the fate of your forces rely heavily on your vassals.
Platforms for Nobunaga’s Ambition: Shinsei have not been disclosed for the moment.