Genshin Impact Event Guide: Shadows Amidst Snowstorms


Genshin Impact’s newest story rich event, Shadows Amidst Snowstorms is now available! This guide will cover all you need to know about the new event, as well as tips and tricks on how to clear and obtain the rewards!

Genshin Impact Event Guide: Shadows Amidst Snowstorms


■ Prepare for the Event

■ Event Rewards

■ Dragonspine Special Training

■ Born of the Snow

■ Rise of the Fell Flower

Prepare for the Event

Held from November 25 to December 13, 2021, the Shadows Amidst Snowstorms event gives away tons of rewards that can be exchanged from the Event Shop. By December 2, 2021, all of the challenges of the event will be unlocked from their time-sensitive locks, giving you a little over a week to catch up.

According to the official notice, you can only participate if you meet the following requirements:

■ Reach Adventure Rank 20 or above, and complete the Archon Quest “For a Tomorrow Without Tears”

■ Complete Albedo’s Story Quest “Traveler Observation Report” and Joel’s “Lost in the Snow” Side Quest

During the event, the Adventure Rank required to accept Albedo’s “Traveler Observation Report” Quest reduces to 20  (usually need Rank 25 & a story key)

While this is not in the official notice per se, I highly recommend you also do the “Ah, Fresh Meat!” Side Quest on Dragonspine. This quest will unlock the recipe for a dish known as Goulash.


As you walk in Dragonspine’s frigid weather, you’ll accumulate what is known as Sheer Cold, which is displayed as a blue bar above your HP meter. If the meter gets full, your HP will slowly deplete, eventually leading to your character being knocked down. By eating the Goulash dish however, the gauge will fill slower than usual, giving you plenty of time to get near a heat source (i.e. torch, waypoint) to deplete it.

If you meet the requirements, the quest will immediately begin with Paimon’s dialogue about her wanting to go to the alchemy shop in Mondstadt. You can get to the alchemy shop by teleporting here, and heading north from there:


After that, head on over to the camp located just besides Dragonspine. The camp will be marked on your map with a yellow indicator, and there’s a waypoint near it.

After Act I concludes, the main page unlocks. The page is divided into the categories of Born of the Snow, Dragonspine Special Training, and Rise of the Fell Flower. In the following paragraphs, I’ll explain what each of those activities entails, while giving tips and tricks on how to best clear them.21120609031070

Event Rewards

The best reward in the event is the Alkahest, the refinement material for the Cinnabar Spindle event sword, currently considered the best sword for Albedo.


You are also recommended to the Ascension Materials such as the “Shackles of the Dandelion Gladiator” and the “Fragment of Decarabian’s Epic”.Some of the materials of the shop require you to ascend the event sword and unlock its Level Cap, or saved for a future weapon you might obtain.

If you clear all of the event challenges, you’ll earn just enough currency to obtain all rewards from the Shop, without having to grind.

Dragonspine Special Training

In Dragonspine Special Training, you’ll participate in three different activities, each focusing on a different aspect of exploration. You have the Tracker Training, the Agility Training, and finally, the Combat Training.


Tracker Training

Within the event area’s radius, you’ll have a number of snow pillars scattered around. Melt them with Pyro Attacks and defeat enemies that stand in the way. As you melt the ice pillars, you’ll earn different components for you to build your Snowman. We’ll get to this part later on.


Agility Training

The objective for the Agility Training is to traverse a course as fast as possible while also collecting as many insignias as you can. The more insignias you collect, as well as your time are all taken into consideration and you’re given a score at the end. Earn 30,000 points and you get all the rewards.

As you go through the course, two blessings can be obtained: The Galespring Blessing and Ironskin Blessing. The former will boost your character’s jumping ability tremendously, allowing you to jump over high structures. The latter will grant a barrier that constantly breaks anything in its path, allowing you to break the ice pillars along the way. Sometimes, Insignias are hidden inside, so it’s recommended to break as many ice pillars as you can.


Combat Training

The objective of Combat Training is simple: Defeat the incoming waves of enemies before time runs out. However, the moment the challenge starts, a snowstorm kicks in, which increases the rate of Sheer Cold. (The Goulash can sorta help mitigate this.)

In the event area, you’ll find four Lures. These lures will start in a status known as “Cold”, and you must grab a Scarlet Quartz (a red stone located near the event area radius) and attack the Lures while under the Scarlet Quartz’s effect.


Doing so will switch them into “Heat” mode, making them count as heat sources to reduce your Sheer Cold. You can do this either before you hit “Start Challenge” or during the challenge itself, but I prefer doing the former.

Born of the Snow

With the components you obtained in the three challenges, you can build a cute little snowman. The blank snowmen can be found just near the Dragonspine Camp’s entrance.


While the components you get from the challenges are random, you can trade your duplicate items with your friends. By setting up a Wishlist, you can display which parts you need the most.


During the event, you can build a total of 4 snowmen, and at the end, you’ll obtain a schematic print that allows you to keep your snowmen design in Serenitea Teapot forever, even after the event concludes.


Rise of the Fell Flower

The final phrase of the event will be unlocked from December 1. After completing the prerequisite story quests, you can challenge the boss near the Cryo Hypostasis.

You can attempt this challenge either by yourself or with your friends on Co-Op. I strongly recommend you do it on Co-Op however, unless you’re confident that your current party can defeat the boss efficiently.


During the combat, the Fellflower will release Arcane Fruits and Arcane Essences. You need to deal enough damage to those Fruits so that the flower’s shield breaks apart. Arcane Essences are released at certain intervals and if you don’t collect them, the shield of the Fellflower regenerates, undoing your progress.


A very careful point to consider, especially if you’re in Co-Op is that collecting multiple Arcane Essences will slowly depletes your HP. The more Essence you collect, the faster the depletion. So if you plan on collecting a lot, make sure to bring a healer, so that you can mitigate the effect.

Once you finish defeating the boss, you’ll earn 300 of the second event shop’s currency, which you can exchange for Talent Ascension Books and Mora.

The reason I recommend Co-Op is that within just half an hour, you can obtain the required coins to get all the items available. There are also special missions that you can clear in order to obtain more event currency, and Hero’s Wit EXP materials.


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