At today’s Anime Japan 2022, Pony Canyon announced Preluders, a new multimedia project with the keywords of “Seiyuu x Music x Hero”. The worldview, setting, cast information, teaser visual, character visual, and music information were also revealed.

The Preluders project revolves around music and voice dramas, and is set in an era where everyone has a special “ability” to become heroes, but those who misuses the “ability” becomes villains. Heroes will post video on the web with a system called “Hero Cast”, and are the video is rated according to the reaction of the viewer.
The character songs of the heroes will be released sequentially from May, and the album will be released in August. Along with the release of each song, a voice drama will be released on CD and distribution at the same time. The voice drama will highlight the fight between young hero teams, High Five and S-quad and a mysterious organization, Vice Versa.
The project’s theme song is “Hero License”(ヒーローライセンス) written and composed by Masayoshi Ōishi. As the first song, it will be pre-distributed from April 25, and the CD will be released on May 18. The CD jacket was drawn by POKImari, who was in charge of character design. Furthermore, on April 25, the same day as the advance distribution, a music video will be released on the official YouTube channel.

The jacket of “I’m a HERO” by High Five, the second song, was also revealed. The CD also includes the voice drama Chapter 2 “Cross”.

▍Preluders Characters & Cast
High Five
■ Asuka Morito – CV: Junya Enoki

■ Shun Nakamitsu – CV: Ryota Suzuki

■ Minato Haruma – CV: Ryota Iwasaki

■ Sera Kashiwagi – CV: Shun Horie

■ Ko Kujikami – CV: Yūma Uchida

■ Chikage Misumi – CV: Kento Itō

■ Ayumu Rando – CV: Koutaro Nishiyama

■ Kota Karasuma – CV: Kōhei Amasaki