[Qoo Review] Casual Connect Log – Day 1: it’s just very casual



As previously mentioned, QooApp would be going to Casual Connect, an annual global event for indie games at Hard Rock Hotel, Singapore. Now that we are here, and we have had a feast even though the event has not even started!

Partying is the new working



The event will be starting in the morning tomorrow (16th May), but a party was held today (15th May) for every attendee to get to know each other. It was not necessarily all about businesses, it could be talking about your passions about games with your favourite developers. It could be talking about future plans for these few days. Under the influence of wine (there was coke and juice as well), food and party music, everyone was relaxed while at the same time building an advantageous network for business by meeting friends. This is the new model for getting business connection!

We will talk about games tomorrow

17051517410257▲ Guess what famous indie game we are going to work on tomorrow?

We will interview some indie games developers tomorrow. Some are famous, some are not. Yet, there is one thing that we are sure of – fantastic games, and many fantastic games will be getting exposed to the whole gaming community tomorrow. Be sure to check them out on QooApp!

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