Floodland is a Climate Change-based Survival City Builder Releasing for PC on November 15


Developer Vile Monarch and publisher Ravenscourt unveiled Floodland, a post-catastrophic survival city builder set in Earth’s devastated wetlands. The game is due for release on November 15 for PC via Steam and GOG.

In Floodland, the world’s sea levels rise dramatically due to the consequences of man-made climate change, and a resulting chain of catastrophes occurs, plunging humanity into a new dark age.

Players will slowly evolve their society by establishing and upgrading new buildings, repurposing old ones, and researching new tech (or relearning old tech), thus enabling you to overcome the numerous challenges you face.

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Floodland Announcement Trailer

Floodland Gameplay

The world – as you know it – has gone, replaced by islands, swamps, and isolated groups of survivors. Gathering scarce resources, you need to explore the world – island by island – helping those you can and dealing with those who do not share your vision of the future.

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Only you can help humanity survive by leading your band of survivors on a path to redemption. Starting with a lost bunch of survivors, you need to scavenge resources, rediscover technology and maintain the peace between differing factions as you strive to rebuild society. Each of the game’s maps is randomized, making every gameplay uniquely tailored!

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