Beastars Final Season Arrives in 2024, With The Same Staff Members


Beastars‘ anime Twitter confirmed that the anime is coming to Netflix in 2024, and is being made with the same staff members that worked on the previous seasons of the anime. The staff includes director Shinichi Matsumi as the director and Nanami Higuchi as the producer.

By the time the anime debuts in 2024, it will have been three years since episode 24 debuted on March 25, 2021. Since this is being labeled as the Final Season, we’ll be able to watch the conclusion to Legoshi, Haru, and many others’ stories.

Beastars is slated to return in 2024, at an unknown date within the year.

beastars final season image

Beastars Story

Beastars takes place in a modern world where instead of humans walking and talking, it’s populated by anthropomorphic animals, with a cultural divide between herbivores, and carnivores.

Legoshi, a gray wolf is a member of Cherryton Academy’s drama club, supporting the actors of the club including the academy’s star actor, Louis, a red deer. When an Alpaca is mysteriously murdered in the middle of the night, the academy’s tension between carnivores and herbivores grows, and unease begins brewing between both sides. It is then when Legoshi bumps into Haru, a dwarf rabbit that has a crush on Louis, only for Legoshi to start to develop bizarre feelings for Haru.


Beastars Final Season Staff and Production

Original Work: Paru Itagaki
Director: Shinichi Matsumi
Script: Nanami Higuchi
Distribution: Netflix

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