Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links Launches Vrains World Update on September 28!


Konami just announced the Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links format of the classic trading card game, is adding characters and cards from the Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS series on September 28!

The update introduces three characters from the Vrains series, including, and Konami also introduced the skills for these characters. The original voice actors for these characters are reprising their roles, and expect the English dub cast to make a return!

The world of VRAINS is coming to Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links on September 28!

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links announced that VRAINS update at TGS 2022! The Vrains update is coming on September 28, with new characters and cards!

Duel Links VRAINS Trailer

VRAINS Characters!

Three characters from the Vrains series is making its way into Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel links! Playmaker and Ai, Soulburner, and Go Onizuka are coming to the game with unique artwork and their own special skills, and are voiced by Shouya Ishige, Yuki Kaji, and Daiki Hamano!

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■ Playmaker – CV: Shouya Ishige

Storm Access:
At the start of a Duel, Add 1 “Decode Talker” and “Firewall Dragon” to your Extra Deck. Add 1 “Code Talker” randomly from the Data Storm to your Extra Deck. This effect can only be used when your LP is lower than 1000 or less and can only be activated once per Duel

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■ Soulburner – CV: Yuki Kaji

Burning Draw:
This skill may only be used when your Life Point is 2300 or less. Pay LP so that you only have 100 left, and add 1 card to your hand for every 1000 LP paid. This skill can only be used when your Deck contains 10 or more “Salamangreat” cards and can only be activated once per Duel

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■ Go Onizuka – CV: Daiki Hamano

Tokon Avenger:
Select one Gouki or Dinowrestler monster in your GY that was destroyed in battle. Send one Gouki or Dinowrestler monster from your hand to the GY, and special summon the selected monster on the field in face-up Defense Position. This skill can only be used when your Deck contains 10+ Gouki or Dinowrestler cards, and may only be activated once per Duel.

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New VRAINS Cards!

The Link Revolution and Structure Deck EX are being added to the game when the VRAINS update launches. Evolve your game with Pot of Duality, Decode Talker, and so many more new cards, as you compete in the world of Yu-Gi-oh!

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Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links VRAINS Launch Campaign

The game is celebrating the launch of Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS in Duel links, with a launch campaign!

You can collect a free commemorative accessory, play the special event, UR and SR tickets, 1000 Gems, a card sleeve, 10 packs of the new VRAINS card pack with a free UR, a skill ticket, and a character ticket!

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