[Qoo Guide] These servants in FGO take big bucks to summon but it’s worth it (Part 1)


17062912265087▲ “Pay-to-win is shameful but useful” by @kyantaman_chi

Usually the localisation version of a Japanese mobile has the same events with the original game. It’s just these events arrive much later. The English Fate/Grand Order (FGO) does not seem to be an exception, and therefore we can know which ★5 are going to be out and which campaign pool we should be pouring all our money into according to the Japanese version.

Using the same event in the localised server is just a popular practise that most developer have. There is still a slight chance that the English FGO is not going to be the same.

Before we go on about the main topic, there are some background info that all players should be aware of.


Buster card has the greatest attack.
Art card has the greatest Noble Phantasm (NP) rate increases, and thus makes the NP available more frequently.
Quick card has the highest critical star return, and thus gives cards in the next round a higher chance to have critical hit.

The results are calculated and proven by the great Japanese players and Taiwanese players, so in here, a character’s worth is more about what its card combination is and less about the default stats. Of course, its skills and NP are crucial too.

Lancer: Enkidu


With one buster, one art and three quick, Enkidu* does not seem very fascinating in terms of card combination. Don’t look down on her and her ability to recharge NP just yet. This girl has an extremely promising HP bar – a maximum of 17,752, which means she can recover her NP rate frequently by getting hit but without dying easily.

Her three quick combo promises a high critical star return – as high as 46 stars. Then in the next round, every card you have will be a critical hit. 

17062912173063▲ This player used Enkidu only and did not die (Source: Gamer.com.tw)

Her NP includes a powerful attack on a single enemy and lowering all enemies’ defense. It is much stronger if the NP is initiated with an over charge attack. All in all, she is not suitable for being in a static team. It requires some skills and thinking to use her and come up with a team structure that suits her. Enkidu is mostly made for challenging difficult quests!

* Eniku is genderless in canon, but in the Taiwanese, Chinese and Japanese fandom Enkidu (the FGO ver.) is often treated/interpreted a teenage girl and even nicknamed En-chan. That’s why Enkidu is a “she” here. Mostly for convenience. 

Saber: Miyamoto Musashi 


Among the relatively average Saber servants Miyamoto is the best. She surpasses Okita Souji as the best Saber since she has three Buster cards. Together with another “buster” character like Jeanne d’Arc, a buster chain with attack buff is not hard to achieve.


Her first passive skill can double up the number of hits, which is useful for increasing the NP rate and the frequency of available NP. Her NP is incredibly strong – one round of buff on NP’s effect, powerful attack on a single enemy and debuffing enemies. The powerful attack is further strengthened with the buff on her NP, and it is not common for characters to be equipped with the skill to debuff enemies. This makes her the one and only Saber that everyone should have.

Caster: Zhuge Kong Ming (Lord El-Melloi II) 


He is one of the two servants that get 10/10 on Japanese gaming site AppMedia. Many Japanese players said, “you get these two characters and you can pretty much beat the game even though the other ★5 you have are rubbish”.

Kong Ming started out as quite a disappointing ★5. After some modification he has become one of the most useful characters in FGO. He himself does not take the role of a strong attacker. Instead, all three of his active skills increase the team’s critical hit, defense, attack by 20%-30%, and most importantly, increase everyone’s NP rate by 10%-30%. Pair him with any character that has a strong NP, and all you have to do is to sit back and keep initiating its NP every once and a while.

His NP is a life saver. When the enemies are almost ready for their ultimate attack, Kong Ming can defer it for a few turns. He can also make the opposite team dizzy by chance, which buys you extra time in any critical situation. Together with the ability to lower enemies’ defense, this NP is tailored for conquering difficult quests. 

You will know who is the other servant that gets 10/10 in part 2. Stay tuned and “please get your wallet ready,” says the FGO’s number one fan and “customer”, voice actor Nobunaga Shimazaki.


elp6k3hPfqnB0kL4OolsUyyK4OhOyaqS8gQC1RhDlnusZrCwUTR4d7eC7HkYpQJMPQ Fate/Grand Order | Japanese Aniplex Inc. :
Fate/Grand Order | English Aniplex Inc. :
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6 thoughts on “[Qoo Guide] These servants in FGO take big bucks to summon but it’s worth it (Part 1)”

  1. You have no idea how useful he can be,do you? Maybe you just salty that you didn’t have him?

    Men.. boring. I got both him and shisho, They were decent in their own term, pick Scathach with 1m HPx3bar boss wouldn’t stand ground as long as En-chan now. Maybe I can just field both of them to support each other. Why I need to care if
    any of them is shit tho ?

  2. When do we get the next guide ? 🙂
    And would you kindly write next to the characters when were they released after the start of the game ? Just for reference point for us. Thanks a lot Lancelot 🙂

  3. Enkidu being good? What timeline are we in? HP is a shit stat, it’s the same reason Vanilla Arturia is considered shit and Jeanne falls off lategame. While Enkidu’s NP is good, but his skills are atrocious and only useful for stalling which is pointless when there are better and faster alternatives available. Quick lancers? Why not Scathach as her NP is a monster too while not having shit skills.

  4. You are right, but in the Taiwanese, Chinese and Japanese fandom Enkidu (the FGO ver.) is often treated/interpreted a teenage girl and even nicknamed En-chan, and that’s why we put “she” there 🙂 We will put a reminder there, thanks!

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