Mercenaries Saga Gets New Mercenaries Lament Game for Nintendo Switch


Rideon announced that the Mercenaries Saga game series is getting a new title Mercenaries Lament: Requiem of the Silver Wolf (マーセナリーズラメント 銀狼と巫女を廻る七つ星) for Nintendo Switch on February 9 in Japan. A PS4 version is also planned, but the release date for that is still to be determined. More details will be revealed at a later date.

Mercenaries Lament is a tactical simulation RPG in which players control characters such as the Fighter, who specializes in close combat, the Archer, who attacks from a distance, and the Priest, who supports his allies, on a map divided by squares. This latest title in the series inherits the game system introduced in the previous titles while adding various new elements to make it even easier to play.

The series released a game collection, Mercenaries Saga Chronicles, for the Nintendo Switch in 2018, which collected three previous Mercenaries Saga games – Mercenaries Saga: Will of the White Lions, Mercenaries Saga 2: Order of the Silver Eagle, and Mercenaries Saga 3: Gray Wolves of War.

Mercenaries Lament Gameplay

Battles are laid out in a quarter-view battle map divided by squares. Players control characters with various roles, such as the Fighter, who excels at melee attacks, the Archer, who excels at long-range attacks, and the Priest, who is in charge of healing and supporting allies, to fight.

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The new game system inherits the systems and skills introduced in the previous titles while making it easier to play and adding new elements.

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Mercenaries Lament Worldview

Several years have passed since a mysterious plague spread across the continent in the blink of an eye. Victims of the plague have turned into moving corpses (zombies) and attacked people, leaving mercenaries who fight for a living to do the dirty work of exterminating the zombies.

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One day, Johan, the captain of the Silver Wolf Mercenaries, encounters a man who calls himself the God of Death. Johan narrowly escapes the Reaper’s deadly blade, but as he leaves, the Reaper leaves behind an eerie prophecy: “In 100 days, when the evil omens are at their highest, you will die an inescapable death.

After Johan drives the Grim Reaper away, a young priestess appears before him. The priestess is said to be using miraculous arts to heal those who have fallen victim to the plague. Was the Grim Reaper just a nightmare that he had seen…?

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