The television anime adaptation of Yoshifumi Tozuka’s Undead Unluck supernatural manga has revealed a new teaser visual confirming its premiere in October 2023! At the anime’s stage event at today’s Anime Japan 2023, it was also announced that the anime will be streamed worldwide but the platform is yet to be revealed.
As previously announced, the anime will star Moe Kahara as Fuuko Izumo, Yūichi Nakamura as Andy, Natsuki Hanae as Shen, and Kenji Nomura as Void.
Undead Unluck started with a one-shot chapter published in Shueisha’s Weekly Shōnen Jump manga magazine in January 2019. The manga started its serialization in the 2020 8th issue of Weekly Shōnen Jump on January 20, 2020. In 2020, Undead Unluck won the 6th Next Manga Award, placing 1st out of the 50 nominees with 31,685 votes
The series centers on Fuuko Izumo, who decides to commit suicide as she is tormented by the fact that she cannot be touched by anyone due to her “unluck” ability, which brings bad luck to anyone she comes into contact with in the flesh.
But her decision was shaken after meeting an “undead” man who has amazing regenerative abilities and who desires to die the best death possible, disliking his immortal life. For the sake of convenience, Fuuko names him Andy because he is undead, and they begin to work together.
▍Undead Unluck Anime Staff and Production
Original Work: Yoshifumi Tozuka [Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump]
Director: Yuki Yase
Character Design: Hideyuki Morioka
Music: Kenichiro Suehiro
Animation: david production
Production and planning: UNLIMITED PRODUCE by TMS
▍Undead Unluck Anime Cast
■ Andy – CV: Yūichi Nakamura
■ Fuuko Izumo – CV: Moe Kahara
■ Shen – CV: Natsuki Hanae
■ Void – CV: Kenji Nomura