LISA: Definitive Edition Coming to PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Switch, and PC on July 18


Publishers Serenity Forge has revealed that the cult classic LISA: The Painful and its DLC sequel, LISA: The Joyful will be revitalized on consoles and PC alike in a complete re-release package as LISA: Definitive Edition. The game will be released on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC (via Steam and the Epic Games Store).

In anticipation, would-be-players may wishlist the game on Steam, with preorders now available for the Xbox and Nintendo Switch versions. PlayStation Store and Epic Game Store pages are coming soon. The publisher announcement made no mention of a potential physical release.

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The Definitive Editions for both Painful and Joyful feature revamped features including HD graphics and updated UI, new character battles, quests, and party members. The games will also reportedly feature next-gen functionalities on certain consoles such as Nintendo Switch HD Rumble, PlayStation DualSense haptics, and DualShock 4/DualSense speaker audio.

Note that while the original release of LISA is currently available for purchase on Steam, players looking to pick up the definitive editions of the games may buy the game now and wait for the Definitive Edition updates to be released on July 18 to enjoy all the new content! Any Steam user who owns the base game on Steam will get the updates for free!

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LISA: Definitive Edition Announcement Trailer

LISA: Definitive Edition Gameplay

Heavily inspired by other whimsical yet bizarre aesthetics of titles such as the Mother (Earthbound) series and Yume Nikki, the LISA series mixes quirky capriciousness with heart-wrenching tragedy. Players will learn what kind of person they are by being FORCED to make choices that permanently affect gameplay.

The games put players in the world of Olathe after a mysterious “White Flash” wiped out all of the women in existence, leaving behind warlords, imbeciles, and perverts. Players take control of Brad on a journey through the wasteland to save his daughter, the last girl alive. He’ll come face-to-face with some brutal situations that he must overcome to protect his family.

Described as a “life-ruining gaming experience” on its own Steam page, players will sacrifice to keep their party members alive, whether taking a beating for them, losing a limb, or experiencing other inhuman tortures. The world of Olathe will constantly force your hand, as being selfish and heartless is the only way to survive.

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