In Tokyo Game Show (TGS) 2017, not only did Capcom’s mobile otome title Toraware no Palm (囚われのパルマ) introduce a VR experience, it also had a special stage with a much anticipated guest, Yuichiro Umehara, the voice for one of the protagonists, Haruto.
Together with producer Yoshiaki Hirabayashi, Umehara showed off the major updates the game will have soon!
Producer Yoshiaki Hirabayashi
Haruto’s voice Yuichiro Umehara
▍New contents
The game will include festive chapters where players will get to meet Haruto and Aoi during bigs days like Halloween and Christmas. Every two weeks, players can visit the boys for an intimate special meeting in accordance with the game’s progress.
See below for screenshots of the special meeting.
▍VR Meeting
The TGS 2017 exclusive VR Meeting will be made available permanently at Capcom Cafe located in Koshigaya, Saitama Prefecture. It is going be a paid experience (price undecided) with both the original VR contents and mobile contents.
Aside from Capcom Cafe, five Japanese cities have also been selected to host the campaign for a short period of time. The available date is not yet announced.
The game celebrated its first birthday last month. An anniversary book will be sold starting 28th September. According to the sample Umehara showed at the event, the book has exquisite pictures, details that have never been revealed before, and a music CD.
A lot of new products, including the shirts that Haruto and Aoi wear, are now available for purchase.
Everything purchasable in-game is now in discounts! The game itself also drops from 360 yen to 120 yen.