Comic Market, or comicket, is the largest doujin (also anime and manga) event in Japan. Held twice a year, it attracts over 550,000 visitors everytime. In this fan-based event, the number of booth a franchise has can accurately demonstrate its popularity. In the Winter Comicket this year (C93), the Fate series is the winner, taking over 1,498 booths among a total of 32,214.
全サークル数 32,312 → 32,214
TYPE-MOON 930 → 1,498
艦これ 1,802 → 1,460
アイマス 1,108 → 1,384
東方 1,290 → 1,188
刀剣乱舞 1,232 → 1,014
YOI 単独初 → 534 #C93— タルト@カップリング表記研究家 (@Tarte41) November 2, 2017
The reason why? Very probably because of Fate/Grand Order (FGO)!
Two years ago in C89, when the game was just released in Japan, Kantai Collection, or KanColle (艦これ), topped the chart while Fate ranked 12th with 296 booths.
In these two years, FGO has got about 1,000,000 – 5,000,000 downloads on Android in Japan alone. It has also reached out to global audience by launching localisation versions in Taiwan, China, and United States. Shortly after landing in China, the Chinese has spent over RMB 600 millions on the game. In the end, FGO was the second top earning mobile game worldwide in the first quarter of 2017.
So, yay! FGO finally takes over the event this year!
Although KanColle has always been the first, it seems like the battleship girls are not doing so well this Winter. Facing its fierce competitor Azur Lane (アズールレーン), which has been thriving in the doujin scene recently, the series’ related booths has dropped almost one fifth this year. In fact, Azur Lane’s doujin products must be extremely popular recently that even a Kimono Friends artist changed his mind and decided to do an Azur Lane booth instead.
◎貴サークル「JOKER TYPE」は、土曜日 東地区“A”ブロック-89a に配置されました。
サークルカットがけもフレですが、当日はアズレン中心になってると思います\(^o^)/よろしくお願いします!— 西又葵(Aoi Nishimata) (@aoi_nishimata) November 2, 2017
“The circle (booth) was supposed to be Kemono Friends, but it is in fact Azur Lane centric.”
THE iDOLM@STER has been doing well recently. THE iDOLM@STER SideM‘s mobile game launched earlier this year, and the spin-off anime is also running now. The rise in number is expected.
If you guys are planning to join the event for the franchise you love, remember to check the number so you won’t be disappointed!
• Will this FGO’s long time illustrator quit because of Parvati?
• Japanese Otaku war: Kantai Collection vs Azur Lane
• Be Careful! A Japanese lost 110,000 yen to hacker who needs FGO gems