Renowned Japanese voice actress, Rie Kugimiya, the voice of Gintama’s Kagura appeared at Taipei Game Show 2018 on 28th January, promoting the series’ last game ever, Gintama Rumble, alongside the game’s producer.
Gintama is a long-running Jump manga illustrated by Hideaki Sorachi (空知英秋). Set in a futuristic-looking Edo where alien invasion and the Sword Abolishment Edict have resulted in samurais’ downfall, Gintoki Sakata maintains his samurai spirit still and changes the place with his friends, such as Kagura and Shinpachi, in his very own way. The manga is still running but approaching an end soon.
In addition to promoting the game, Kugimiya also signed autographs for fans at the Bandai Namco booth.
Gintama Rumble is lready available on PS4 and PSV in Japan.