[Qoo News] Mobile Animal Physics Puzzle Game GuruGuru Animals Now Available for Download


Worker Bee and HANAKO NETWORK have joined hands to create GuruGuru Animals (ぐるぐる動物), a mobile animal physics puzzle game that is now available for download! The game is currently only available for Android devices.


In GuruGuru Anils, players will have to draw lines and different shapes which interacts with each stage, propelling the adorable animals through different obstacles throughout each stage.

GuruGuru Animals



GuruGuru Animals PV

iAk44n9LBkrPDPGanJSOtpTjAy gBCqEBqxDpxzctGuJY0L6r pcK7 cGY9ctvHbSA=w300 GuruGuru Animals WorkerBee Inc. :