Sumzap’s new multiplayer action mobile game LINQS RINGS (リンクスリングス) confirmed to be released on May. Pre-registration of the game also started.
LINQS RINGS is a 4vs4 action battle game, where players are divided into red and blue team to occupy territory. Players can occupy the territory simply by walking around or attack the opponents to obtain their territory. In three minutes, the team with more territory will claim the winner.
Players can control three types of characters, including Speed, Technique, and Strength and each character holds specific skills and weapons. The selection of characters is crucial as all of them have different strengths and weaknesses.
Renowned voice cast has been invited to feature the voices of the characters, including Minako Kotobuki (壽美菜子), Yumiri Hanamori (花守由美里), Inori Minase (水瀨祈), Ari Ozawa (小澤亞李), Hiromi Igarashi (五十嵐裕美), Azumi Waki (和氣杏未), Takahiro Sakurai (櫻井孝宏), Taku Yashiro (八代拓), Shô Hayami (速水獎) and Masatomo Nakazawa (中澤匡智).