[Qoo News] Fate/Grand Order The Movie Divine Realm of the Round Table: Camelot Revealed PV, Visuals, and Summer 2020 Premiere


Aniplex and DELiGHTWORKS mobile game hit, Fate/Grand Order, revealed a new PV and three visuals for its first anime film adaptation, Fate/Grand Order The Movie Divine Realm of the Round Table: Camelot (劇場版 Fate/Grand Order -神聖円卓領域キャメロット-) during the Fate Project New Year’s Eve Special TV Programme 2019 on 31st December 2019.

▼Three new visuals




The movie, which adapts The Sacred Round Table Realm: Camelot story arc of the game, will be divided into two parts. The first movie, Wandering; Agateram is confirmed to premiere in summer 2020 in Japan’s theatres. The premiere date of the second movie, Paladin: Agateram, is not yet confirmed.

To celebrate the announcement, the official website also added the smartphone and PC wallpaper of the three visuals. Visit here to download.




This is the story of a lone knight.

After taking a long long journey, he arrives in Jerusalem in 1273, shouldering the responsibility entrusted by his sole King. Unfortunately, the past puts challenges on him. Even though he has to combat with his old comrade, a single promise keeps him roaming the burning desert.


Staff and Cast

“FLCL Progressive” director Kei Suezawa (末澤 慧) is directing the project, while“Boruto: Naruto Next Generations” manga writer Ukyō Kodachi (小太刀 右京) is writing the script. “Naruto Shippūden” key animation Mieko Hosoi (細居 美恵子) is providing character designs. Production I.G. will be producing the films and animating the second, while Signal.MD will be animating the first film.

Previously announced cast include Mamoru Miyano (宮野真守) as the protagonist Bedivere, Nobunaga Shimazaki (島﨑信長) as Ritsuka Fujimaru (藤丸立香), Rie Takahashi (高橋李依) as Mash Kyrielight.

Official Site

Official Twitter

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