FINSIGHT announces a game adaptation for TV anime “Kyōto Teramachi Sanjō no Holmes” (京都寺町三条のホームズ), based on the mystery novel series written by Mai Mochizuki (望月麻衣) and illustrated by Yamōchishizu (ヤマウチシズ). Pre-registration of the game also starts today (19th March).
The game, named “Kyōto Teramachi Sanjō no Holmes~ The Puzzle Case File~” (京都寺町三条のホームズ~パズル事件簿~), is set to release in spring 2020.
“Kyōto Teramachi Sanjō no Holmes~ Puzzle Case File~” is a match-three puzzle-solving game that follows the original storyline of the TV anime. The game also features more than 2300 stages and the anime’s cast voices, including the protagonist Kiyotaka Yagashira (CV: Kaito Ishikawa).
Players can pre-register the game by following the official Twitter or adding the official account as LINE friends.