Anime series Puella Magi Madoka Magica’s mobile spin-off, Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story [Magia Record](マギアレコード 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ外伝), has released a new preview video. The game is developed by Aniplex and f4samurai. The new characters are designed by Ume Aoki(蒼樹うめ), who was responsible for the character design for the original anime. There will be more than 10 characters in the game.
This RPG shares the same background with the original anime, which is produced by Magica Quartet, but some new female characters will be introduced. Magical girls are lead to Kamihama Shi(神浜市)due to its strange power. Tamaki Iroha(環いろは)happens to be there as she has to find her sister. Iroha and the other magical girls are therefore determined to find out the truth about this strange city.
The game is still available for re-registration now. It will be released in spring this year.