Kyoto Animation’s “Violet Evergarden: The Movie” anime today (11th September) starts streaming the second trailer one week before it premieres in Japan’s theater on 18th September 2020. The movie is an original sequel to the TV anime which aired on Netflix in 2018.
▍2nd Trailer
The movie follows “auto memory doll” Violet, still unable to forget about her former employer Gilbert, who taught her of love. One day, she meets his older brother Dietfried, who tells her that she should forget about Gilbert and move on – but it is impossible for her. Shortly after, Violet receives a call from a young client, while the post office discovers a letter with no address sitting in their warehouse.
▍Staff and Production
Original Work: Kana Akatsuki’s (暁佳奈) “Violet Evergarden” [KA Esuma Bunko/ Kyoto Animation]
Director: Taichi Ishidate (石立太一)
Series Composition: Reiko Yoshida (吉田玲子)
Character Design & Chief Animation Director: Akiko Takase (高瀬亜貴子)
World Setting: Takaaki Suzuki (鈴木貴昭)
Art Director: Mikiko Watanabe (渡邊美希子)
3D Art: Joji Unoguchi (鵜ノ口穣二)
Color design: Yūka Yoneda (米田侑加)
Accessory Setting: Hiroyuki Takahashi (高橋博行)
Photography Director: Kōhei Funamoto (船本孝平)
3D Director: Rin Yamamoto (山本倫)
Sound Director: Yota Tsuruoka (鶴岡陽太)
Music: Evan Call
Animation: Kyoto Animation
Distribution: Shochiku
■ Violet Evergarden – CV: Yui Ishikawa (石川 由依)
■ Gilbert Bougainvillea – CV: Daisuke Namikawa (浪川 大輔)