[Qoo News] Kakeru Kobashiri’s “The Dawn of the Witch” Fantasy Light Novels Get TV Anime


Kakeru Kobashiri’s “The Dawn of the Witch” (魔法使い黎明期) fantasy light novel series was recently confirmed to inspire a TV Anime adaptation.


About the Series

“The Dawn of the Witch” is set in the same world as Kobashiri’s “Grimoire of Zero” light novel series, now at peace after having endured a conflict between the church and witches for 500 years. However, embers of war still burn in some regions of the world.

The story centers on Cervil, a magic student with no memories of his life before he met a mysterious blond woman in an alley. Now he travels with his teacher, Ross—another student, Holt, and the beastman Coudeau for “special training”… but this field trip may not be as routine as it seems.

The novel’s 1st volume was launched in August 2018. “Grimoire of Zero” manga artist Takashi Iwasaki provides the art, and “Grimoire of Zero” light novel illustrator Yoshinori Shizuma has partial credit for character designs. Kodansha will publish the third volume on May 6.


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