The TV anime adaptation of Akihito Tsukushi’s “Made in Abyss” manga announced that the series’ second season “Made in Abyss: The Sun Blazes Upon the Golden City” (メイドインアビス 烈日の黄金郷) will debut in 2022.
The enormous pit and cave system called the “Abyss” is the only unexplored place in the world. Strange and wonderful creatures reside in its depths, and it is full of precious relics that current humans are unable to make. The mysteries of the Abyss fascinate humans, and they head down to explore. The adventurers who venture into the pit are known as “Cave Raiders.” A little orphan girl named Rico lives in the town of Ōrth on the edge of the Abyss. Her dream is to become a Cave Raider like her mother and solve the mysteries of the cave system. One day, Rico starts exploring the caves and discovers a robot that resembles a human boy.
▍New Action RPG
The franchise is also getting a new 3D action RPG “Made in Abyss: Binary Star Falling into Darkness” by Spike Chunsoft. It will be released for PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC (via Steam) in 2022. The game will have a fully-voiced original story supervised by Tsukushi and will support both English and Japanese text. Several in-game screenshots are also revealed.