Capcom continues to announce new collaborations for their latest title to their Monster Hunter series, Monster Hunter Double Cross. The latest announcement brings Monster Hunter together with the classic Japanese detective series, Detective Conan (Japan: Meitantei Conan – 名探偵コナン).
Detective Conan was first serialized in 1994. The series revolves around Shinichi Kudo (工藤 新一), a highschool detective who occasionally works with the police to solve cases. During an investigation, Shinichi gets attacked by a crime organization known as "Black Organization" and is force fed a lethal poison. Instead of killing him, the poison shrinks Shinichi into a child form. He adopts the name Conan Edogawa (江戸川 コナン).
The collaboration will bring the manga series iconic shadow man culprit to Monster Hunter Double Cross in the form of a special armor set. Players will be able to get the armor set as a reward for completing the special collaboration mission.