[Qoo News] First-Ever GamerCon Enrages Fans with Poor Management



Over the weekends (18th-19th March), GamerCon held what was meant to be the first professional game show in Ireland at the Dublin’s National Convention Centre. From e-sports to cosplay, the game show exploded with anticipation from gamers all across Ireland, what they did not expect was a weekend in the rain waiting to be allowed in the venue.

According to Irish Times, the organizers were expecting over 20,000 attendees during the weekends which quickly became a problem, as the venue could only offer a maximum capacity half that amount a day. Because of this, attendees were queuing up for two-three hours and of course, the rain was no help at all in cooling down the angry fans.

In response to the poor management on their behalf, GamerCon had only offered this as an apology.

GamerCon Official Website