[AJ 2017] Otomate’s upcoming Sengoku Night Blood on mobile announced TV anime



Otomate’s upcoming mobile otome mobile Sengoku Night Blood(戦刻ナイトブラッド)has just announced a TV anime adaption at AnimeJapan 2017. The anime will air in Fall this year.


Beside a major announcement, the game has also released a preview video today.

Sengoku Night Blood is a game from the otome project Senbura, which is jointly carried out by Idea Factory, Kadokawa and Marvelous. The characters are designed by most famous illustrators who have worked for other notable Otomate games. The background of the game is the Sengoku period, in which players are able to romance Sengoku warriors. It will be officially released on mobile in 2017.


Official website:Senbura