Thermae Romae Novae Official Trailer Confirms March 28 Debut on Netflix


Netflix began streaming a new English-subtitled trailer for Thermae Romae Novae, a new anime series based on Mari Yamazaki’s Thermae Romae manga. The trailer reveals that the anime will be broadcasting worldwide on Netflix starting March 28.

The anime also revealed a new visual, showcasing the protagonist Lucius (CV: Kenjiro Tsuda) with a shocked face with famous places Mt. Fuji and the Pantheon at the background.

The anime centers around Lucius, a bath designer in the Roman Empire. One day, he accidentally slips back in time to present day Japan and learns about Japanese bath culture.

Thermae Romae Novae Official Trailer Confirms March 28 Debut on Netflix

Tetsuya Tatamitani is directing the anime, and Yūichirō Momose is writing the scripts. NAZ is producing the animation with the original manga as a base, while also featuring new stories written by the original author Yamazaki.

Thermae Romae Novae Official Trailer

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Production Staff Cast

Original Story and Series Composition by Mari Yamazaki
Director: Tetsuya Tatamiya
Screenplay: Yuichiro Momose
Animation Studio: NAZ
Sound Director : Ryo Tanaka
Sound Editor : Masatoshi Katsumata
Sound Production : Sonirudo


■ Lucius – CV: Kenjiro Tsuda

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