Revived Witch “Love in Return” White Day Event Runs from March 8


Yostar Games’ Revived Witch pixel-art mobile RPG is launching a white day event, “Love in Return”, from March 8 to 22, 2022. A new doll, UR Parfait, will be available.

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Revived Witch White Day Event

The white day event “Love in Return” will be held from March 8 to 22. By completing daily puzzle missions, players can obtain Memory Shards which can be used to unlock puzzle pieces. A festive puzzle Love in Return/Memory is added.

Special activity, White Day Letter, will also be held from March 9 to 15. Players can receive love letters and daily presents from dolls brimming with love and gratitude. New costume Sweet Memories and festive packs will be available. 

Revived Witch New Doll

Players can try to roll for the new doll UR Parfait in Dreamland Summon during March 8 to 22 while Nannar will be available in Awakening Summon from March 15 to 22.

Revived Witch

The newly released doll Parfait is of the twin gatekeepers of the Sanctuary and the Destroyer unit. Her personality is entirely different from her elder sister Afallen. 

Her first skill Punishment initiates physical damage and triggers the debuff Honey Trap targeting a single enemy while her second skill lets her enter Full Status and hence strengthen her first skill to deal physical damage on enemies.

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Revived Witch New Feature – Soul Rebuild

When your doll’s Ascension Level is equal to or more than 1, purifying Water can be used to reset dolls’ levels, ascend levels and skill levels. Related materials will be returned and players can use them to enhance their dolls. For those who have explored the new feature, they can obtain 100 free Purifying Water. 

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